
At House of Knowledge, we firmly believe education requires the involvement of the home, school, and child, cultivating a positive and nurturing community-based environment

In each of our schools, you will find an area where parents can mingle, enjoy a coffee, set up play dates, and talk to campus management. Both campuses also offer a variety of community-building after school activities for children.

Along with activities and opportunities to build relationships, we realize that successful communication is key to a happy and functional community. For this reason, we have an open door policy and encourage parents and families to feel welcome to approach us with any questions or concerns about the school or otherwise. We keep parents informed through daily reports (for Nursery and Pre-K groups), monthly parent letters, parent coffees, parent orientation nights, community seminars, parent-teacher meetings and family events throughout the year.

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祝大家元旦快乐!| 致敬过去,期冀未来

祝大家元旦快乐!| 致敬过去,期冀未来

亲爱的每一位好思之家的成员们: 祝大家元旦快乐! 好思之家幼儿园诚祝所有的孩子们、家庭们拥有一个美好而愉快的元旦假期。我们已迫不及待地期待着在下周敞开学校的大门,迎接每一个孩子重返校园。 让我们携手并肩,共同展望一个精彩绝伦的2023年。期待很快在校园里见到你们的身影! Happy New Year everyone! House of Knowledge wishes the whole HoK community all the bests and a fabulous start into the year of 2023....



圣诞快乐!好思之家幼儿园诚祝所有的孩子们、家庭们拥有一个美好而愉快的圣诞假期。让我们一起期待节日后的相见吧! Merry Christmas everyone! House of Knowledge wishes the whole HoK community all the bests for the upcoming Christmas holidays and new...

一起来听故事吧! | “我爱我自己,因为我就是我。”

一起来听故事吧! | “我爱我自己,因为我就是我。”

大家周四好!今天,好思之家幼儿园诚邀您与我们一起度过一段美好而静谧的“聆听故事”时光。 可能您已经有所意识到,对于一个孩子长远的发展而言,如果想在日后的社会中立足并获取成功,那么孩子首先需要不断地去学习和积累足够的知识储备和基本技能。而在获取这些知识与技能前,孩子需要先学会正视并直面自己的一切,建立正确的人生观与心态,从而树立良好的、积极向上的自我认知。 现在,欢迎您点击下方小视频,与您的孩子一起参与到聆听“我爱我自己”的故事中。这则故事的背后体现了好思之家所注重培养孩子们的十大核心价值理念之一:拥有“积极的自我形象”。...