Picture: Mr. Farshad Danicek and Mrs. Xia Qing

When founding House of Knowledge in 2007, we dreamed of a place for international education in China that combined the best of both worlds.

Our own experience as a bi-cultural family with German and Chinese heritage motivated us to build a kindergarten where children from different countries could learn from and about each other.

We know first-hand how rewarding and sometimes challenging it can be to navigate a world of different languages and cultures. Out of this very personal and enriching experience we wish to equip children with the skills to succeed in a multi-cultural world.

Since 2007 till now, we have educated more than 1000 children from more than 12 countries.

Our international education is based on strong values, nurturing confident and responsible personalities for the children.

As House of Knowledge grows, we will stay truthful to our promise of a child-centered, truly international learning experience for children from all backgrounds and cultures.

Thank you for your interest in House of Knowledge, and we hope to welcome you soon in our campus.

Best wishes,

Farshad Danicek and Xia Qing

Want to know more about HoK? Watch our school video below. 

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