When the autumn breezes blows, we know it is time to return to school!

On September 1st, the new 2022-2023 school year began at House of Knowledge International Kindergarten.

We are thrilled to be back on campus! From all the smiling faces and laughter of the children, we could tell everyone was excited to embrace this new 2022-2023 school year.

Today, we would like to share with you some highlights of what our children got up to on their first week of the school, let’s take a look at some of the exciting moments from this week!

Nursery (18 months – 3 years)

Our two Nursery classes children were excited and also a bit nervous on their first day of the school. But no worries, our warm environment and well-prepared class activities helped the children get adjusted to the class routines and the new classrooms very quickly.

On the first day of school, the children learned to introduce themselves and they all made friends with their fellow classmates. A fun project titled “Under the Sea” has kicked off. The children got to participate in interactive hands-on activities which allowed the children to explore, try out different materials and cooperate with each other.

One of the learning stations, “Feed the Shark!” was one of the children’s favorites, and this helped the children with color recognition, social communication, and fine motor skills.

Exploring the classrooms was very fun and we did lots of creative activities such as painting and sensory play.

We also offered our children open time to explore different areas of the classrooms, such as the role play area, library, gym, and outdoor playground area. This gave the teachers a chance to observe and get to know what all our children are interested in.

English Pre-K (3-5 years)

As the new academic year starts, some classes have started to name their own class! It was a big decision for the children to make. For example, in one of our Pre-K English classes, after going over a couple of options suggested by some of the children, the class had a vote and they decided to put the first place and second place together and named their class “Flower Ninjas”!

We were very happy to see that our children are adjusting to the new class environment so quickly and have opened up their minds and creativity to actively participate in all class activities already.

During circle times, the children introduced themselves to each other. It was great to meet old friends and get to know new friends. The children all said “hi” and greeted teachers and friends in the circle with smiles and high fives.

For Pre-K English classes, the classes have kicked off the “All about me” project as a starting project-based learning unit for the new semester.

At learning stations time, the children used loose parts to trace their hands and faces for “all about me”. While learning about faces sand bodies, the children also used a variety of materials to create a fun face-each child could look in a mirror and see themselves, and then create a face based on them or what they can imagine.

It was a very creative experience for the children and they enjoyed practicing lots of skills including self and social awareness, arts and crafts skills, fine motor skills, and other hands-on capabilities.

German Pre-K (3-5 years)

Our Pre-K German class enjoyed a fun time learning about the alphabet and the ABC song to start the semester.

On September 1st, one of our German class children celebrated his birthday with the class. It was a loving birthday ceremony and the class enjoyed some birthday cake together. After that the children also played a popular German birthday game called “Topfschlagen” which everyone liked it a lot.

Taking advantage of this birthday ceremony on children’s first day of school, the German class then started their first project, making chocolate lava muffins. The children learned the names of all the ingredients, measured them, and mixed the ingredients together, which was a lot of fun.

KG class (5-6 years)

Our KG class children went on an interesting shape hunt in the classroom on the first day of school!

The children got familiar with their new environment and found many fun shapes hiding on the shelves and in the classroom. Also as a starting point for the first day of school, the children also talked about themselves and their interests.

The class also discussed what they like and what they can do to make their classroom more beautiful. Every child chose their own materials and created unique work to display in the classroom. The teamwork has already began and the children’s wonderful ideas have made the classroom more beautiful already.

The weather has been very nice since the first day of school. All our children had great fun not only exploring the class environment and getting to know each other, but also playing outside and enjoying the nice weather while catching up with their old and new friends, and teachers.

What a joyful moment when we all reunite together as a loving HoK community to start this new chapter of the new school year!

Dear children, 

Happy new school year of 2022-2023! 

We are truly happy to welcome all of you back and welcome new students to join our HoK community.

The new learning journey starts and the new chapter has begun-we look forward to an amazing school year ahead! 

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