The school year is now officially over and for many of our House of Knowledge families that means time for a vacation to some far-off city or country. However, for the lucky children who attended our House of Knowledge Summer Camp from June 25th – June 29th, global travel came early! This year’s theme was ‘Around the World’, inspiring inquiry and global mindset in our young scholars.

Children at both our Shunyi and Chaoyang Park campuses were treated to a new and exciting adventure each day where they learned about a different country: its culture, traditions and music. The week began with a trip to Egypt. The children learned all about the lives of people in Ancient Egypt. They dressed up in clothing that was worn in those times; they constructed Pyramids out of an assortment of materials; they even made their own papyrus which is the type of paper used in ancient times. By the end of day one, the children had gained a true appreciation for life in Ancient Egypt.

Day two saw a trip back East to China. Once again, there were plenty of activities to help the children fully submerge in the culture of the chosen country. The children continued the week by traveling to Canada, Peru and finally Germany. Art tasks, music and movement performances, dress-up and fun games were the recurrent undertakings each day, regardless of where in the world the children were visiting. The children thoroughly enjoyed each day’s activities, arriving the following morning eager to begin the next exploration.

In keeping with our standard House of Knowledge education methods, the children’s learning stretched far beyond the boundaries of the countries they studied. They learned new artistic techniques, widened their vocabulary, not to mention the many opportunities to utilise their communication and cooperation skills to complete tasks with their fellow campers. The House of Knowledge summer camp proved to be the perfect way to round out another successful year as we continue to develop a harmonious community of global citizens.