
We wish all children a happy and healthy year of the Tiger and we wish all parents and friends a healthy year with love, happiness and success.

虎年即将来临。我们受到亨利·卢梭的艺术作品“热带风暴中的老虎”(1891 年)的启发来装饰我们的校园。所有的孩子都参加了,并且非常高兴地在这里和家长们分享他们的作品。

亨利·卢梭生活于 1844 年至 1910 年,是一位来自法国的后印象派画家。他很晚才开始绘画——40 岁时没有受过正规训练。一开始他很难被认可,因为他的绘画风格在当时是一种新事物。许多人确实认为他是一位自学成才的天才,巴勃罗·毕加索也是他的仰慕者之一。

The year of the tiger is around the corner. We got inspired by Henri Rousseau’s Artwork “Tiger in a tropical storm” (1891) to decorate our campus. All the children participated and are very happy to show off their work to you parents as well.

Here some facts about Henri Rousseau. He lived from 1844–1910 and was a post-Impressionist painter from France. He started painting very late – at the age of 40 without formal training. In the beginning he struggled to be recognized since his painting style was something new at the time. Many did consider him a self taught genius with Pablo Picasso being also one of his admirers.