新春快乐!Happy Chinese New Year!

新春快乐!Happy Chinese New Year!

龙行大运 好思之家幼儿园携全体教职员工诚祝所有的孩子们、家庭们新年快乐!祝大家在新的一年里身体健康,万事胜意,阖家欢乐,龙年大吉! Happy Chinese New Year everyone! House of Knowledge International Kindergarten wishes all our children, families, faculty, and our whole HoK community a very happy, healthy, and prosperous Year of the...
圣诞快乐! — 附好思之家圣诞市集精彩集锦

圣诞快乐! — 附好思之家圣诞市集精彩集锦

临近12月的尾声,圣诞节如期而至。在这充满爱与希冀的季节里,好思之家诚挚地祝您节日快乐! Merry Christmas everyone! House of Knowledge wishes the whole HoK community all the bests for the upcoming Christmas holidays and new year! 欢迎您点击下方查看好思之家2023年度圣诞市集精彩回顾。期待与大家节后见! Click below video to see some wonderful...
An inspiring autumn wonderland at   House of Knowledge!

An inspiring autumn wonderland at House of Knowledge!

What are our children at House of Knowledge been doing lately? In this most wonderful season, we have been enjoying so much joy and fun not only from all kinds of class activities and events, but also from the field trips which we value as important classrooms for...